‘A very strange hobby had Gracie Grime. While others collected stamps, she collected time.’

  • Nick shared the story of Gracie Grime with me after liking the collage style I used in a zine made for a student group exhibition. Gracie travelled with me to Italy while I studied renaissance to baroque art and architecture and learnt to say ‘un espresso e un cornetto, per favore’. She drank milkshakes and ate croissants while wearing her bright red dress and friendly hat inside my sketch book. In January 2017, we welcomed Gracie and her friends in the form of the printed picture book Gracie Grime.

    And, that’s the story of Gracie Grime, an expert on saving and spending time.

  • Self-published with Xlibris in 2017

  • Paperback

    21.6cm x 21.6cm x 0.4cm

    ISBN: ‎9781524519452


The Crooked Trees


Down in the Shed